
Guest Video provides a most unique web hosting service that includes copy protection and DRM options.

Each web page can be copy protected, DRM protected and/or watermarked, preventing all copy including PrintScreen, screen capture and recording. Protected pages are even safe from media grabbers and packet sniffers.

Copy Protection Features

File Hosting & File Security

There is no need to worry about data allowances or finding a suitable file server because all media gets uploaded to the Guest Video cloud. Your images, PDF and video cannot be accessed by any route except by your protected web page.

DRM Tokens

DRM tokens are assigned from the sale of Products... each page or collection of pages is advertised for sale in the online catalogue. When a user purchases a token they can then access the page/collection assigned. Guest Video DRM tokens are not transferable and cannot be shared. In fact they are not like any other DRM because rather than distribute a token file that can be shared/exploited, Guest Video DRM locks to the user's unique computer signature. Token users can log in to view their usage and which tokens are available to them, but cannot access the Member Pool without a member Subscription.

WordPress Plugin

A WordPress plugin is available for embedding Guest Video media on WordPress pages and posts.

Protected Web Hosting Evaluation

A FREE 14-day trial for evaluation can be registered at

Live Customer Service